Joeffice - The community

Joeffice is an open source office suite written in Java™

How can you contribute to Joeffice?

Code contribution

You are a developer and you would like to improve this project, here are the clues:
  1. Install NetBeans 12.3 or higher.
  2. Fork the project from GitHub. Then check the project out (Menu -> Team -> Git -> Clone ->< your name >/Joeffice.git)
  3. Contribute to one of the library that Joeffice is using: Apache-POI, The NetBeans Platform, H2, Batik, SwingX
  4. There is an Individual Contributor License Agreement (here) to sign for large contributions.
  5. Joeffice is based on the NetBeans platform. If you don't know the NetBeans platform, read the documentation or Javadoc.
  6. Code convention for Joeffice are the following: